Boards & Committees

The boards and committees of the Congregational Church of Wells, UCC include:

Executive Council

The Executive Council has overall responsibility to the Church membership for the general health and well-being of the Church. It provides for communication and liaison among the major boards and ministries as well as other activities within the Church.

Board of Deacons

Working with the minister, the Deacons are responsible for all aspects of the spiritual life of the Church with emphasis on the total worship experience and outreach to the shut-in, invalid, or needy members and friends of our Church.

Board of Trustees

Trustees are mainly responsible for the business, financial management, human resource management and management, repair, and maintenance of church property. All contracting authority on behalf of the Church resides with the Board of Trustees.

Pastor-Parish Relations Committee

This committee is established for the purpose of achieving and maintaining an open, effective and trusting relationship, and two-way communication between the Pastor and the congregation.

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee serves as advisor to the Board of Trustees in the care and control of Church investments.

By-Laws Committee

The By-Laws Committee reviews the By-Laws at least once a year for conflicts within the by-laws, clarity, uniformity of style and whether or not proposed changes do what they are/were intended to do. The Committee develops proposed by-law modifications when requested to do so by boards and ministries or other church activities.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee, using outside recommendations including those from the boards and ministries, prepares a slate of nominees who have agreed to serve in their particular capacity and presents that slate at the Annual Meeting.

Search Committee

The Pastoral Search Committee consists of trusted Active Members from the diversity of the Church who are committed to its future and will faithfully seek a pastor best suited for the Church.

Governance & Structure